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CEU Eligibility: COC, CPC, CPC-P, CPB, CPPM

- Learn how to leverage your existing data to measure vendor performance and make informed decisions about in-house vs. outsourced solutions.

- Discover strategies for integrating new vendors efficiently, even with a large backlog of data.

- Gain practical frameworks to optimize vendor management and foster long-term success


Deborah Welch

Sr. Business Integration Manager
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Deborah Welch

Sr. Business Integration Manager
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Stefania Bergia


Stefania Bergia


Stefania Bergia


Sherry Yao

King & Wood Mallesons

Sherry Yao

King & Wood Mallesons

Sherry Yao

King & Wood Mallesons

Pavia e Ansaldo

Kisaco's event on Life Sciences is becoming a real central moment for the IP European community. The organisation is great and the panels very well organized and dedicated. The participants are the best players in the field.


This event is bringing together in-house counsels and law professionals from the main countries and is focusing directly on the current trending topics in the IP-Pharma industry, which is very valuable to both sides.

Vaccitech Ltd.

A fantastic forum with expert speakers and attendees gathered to learn about the most important topics in IP and exclusivity in the life sciences. The schedule provides plants of networking opportunities to supplement the excellent subject matter content. 

INVOKAT Intellectual Property Services

The event was perfectly suitable for the professionals who have expertise in life science. All speakers and attendees were highly qualified and experienced in diverse fields of IP.